- Go can mole have scar? 去痣会有疤痕吗?
- Does laser go can mole leave scar? 激光去痣会留下疤痕吗?
- Summer gets hurt, heal, can you still have scar? 夏天受伤,痊愈了,还会有疤吗?
- You go can have very big help there. 你去那里会有很大帮助。
- Why does hellion have scar on the face? 坏人为什么脸上有疤?
- I go that according to you the method of mole has a concern! ! 我按照你那个去痣的方法有没有关系啊!!
- A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. 一言既出,驷马难追。
- Those not wanting to go can stay here. 不想去的人可以呆在这儿。
- Does cummer go can you accept grand bosom? 女友去隆胸你会接受吗?
- A mole has burrowed a hole in the sand. 鼹鼠在沙地上挖了一个洞。
- A word once let go cannot be recalled. (你说出的话,就不能再收回来。)
- Does sodium bicarbonate water go can black head burn out nose skin? 小苏打水去黑头会不会烧坏鼻子皮肤?
- The boat has scars from hitting the reefs. 船只因撞在暗礁上而留下了疤痕。
- Finger got hurt, seamed a needle, how to let it do not have scar, good very complete also? ? 手指受伤了,缝了针,怎样让它没有疤痕,好的也很彻底??
- The terrible experience had scarred him for life. 这一可怕的经历给他留下了终身的创伤。
- Why does male friendly ML follow after this menstruation goes can you do not have a feeling? 为什么这次月经过去之后跟男友ML会没感觉?
- At last I managed to extract from him that Mole had been seen in the Wild wood last night by one of them. 我终于从他嘴里知道,昨天晚上他们有人在野树林里看见过鼹鼠。
- I cannot afford to go because I haven't a bean. 我没法去,因为我身无分文。
- Humans have a fovea for sight, and star-nosed moles have a fovea for touch. 人类有视觉的中央窝,星鼻鼹则有触觉的中央窝。
- Then the swallow bade farewell to Tiny, and she opened the hole in the ceiling which the mole had made. 燕子喝了水以后,就告诉她说,他有一个翅膀曾经在一个多刺的灌木林上擦伤了,因此不能跟别的燕子们飞得一样快;